Settled into September?


Salina Khan

9/18/20232 min read

red apple fruit on four pyle books
red apple fruit on four pyle books

With the beginning of school occurring for the majority of our students, we here at The Education Suite would like to welcome you to back-to-school season! Regardless of whether you are starting at a new school or a key stage, we appreciate how nerve-wracking and exciting it can be to embark on a new academic year. Bearing this in mind, we have compiled three top tips to get you prepared for success                        


1. Be prepared 

Arriving at school, regardless of whether it is sixth form, secondary school or primary school, organised and well prepared for the day ahead is a key way to ensure success. Making sure you have all the correct equipment, books, homework and any other necessities not only means your day will go past stress-free but will set up a good routine for the rest of the year,  


2. Create a schedule

Creating a revision timetable not only enables you to have a clear, visual representation of the work you must complete but also lets you assign some time to work, in order also to have free time and breaks. Not only does creating a revision timetable organise your time, but it also means you avoid the last-minute revision scramble at the end of the year!

3. Ask for help

We all understand how difficult it can be to start a new academic year and encounter new people and difficult work. Fortunately, that is where The Education Suite can help! With our personalised and one-to-one lessons for all years and key stages, we can support your learning from the beginning, build your academic confidence and grow your passion for learning, making sure your hard work pays off in results da

Overall, we understand the difficulties of returning to school, but always remember that preparation in advance will pay off!

Contact The Education Suite for high-quality support for you or your child's learning:



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