Last minute Biology A-level Tips
Salina Khan
5/31/20241 min read
With STEM A-Level students still working hard for their exams coming up this week, remember to stay motivated for these last couple days of the exam season! In order to maintain a good revision routine, we have compiled top tips for last-minute Biology revision:
Review content with a study partner
At this point in the exam season, it can often feel overwhelming and draining to have to constantly revise and review content. So, in order to keep burnout at bay, and plug in any gaps in your learning, try reviewing content with a friend. By explaining key concepts to another, or making a game out of revision, with prizes such as snacks or screentime, you will find it easier to continue revising over longer periods of time.
Practice, practice, practice!
Now is the perfect time to put all your attention towards practice papers - and learn from the markschemes. Always complete past papers in complete exam conditions, then thoroughly go through the mark scheme. Remember, the mark scheme for STEM subjects like Biology are very specific, with marks often being allotted when key terminology is used - learn these key phrases and practice incorporating them into your answers. As well as this, when going through your exam paper, analyse your answers, compared to the mark scheme, and identify why your are losing marks - for example, is it a lack of detail, key terms or content?
Practise the essay-style questions
With science subjects like Biology, students often have less practice writing essay-style answers, but such questions can often hold the most marks. Thus, to ensure you gain as many marks as possible, practice as many essay-style questions as possible, whilst looking at the mark scheme to understand what creates a high-level answer. Another great tip which seems simple but can be forgotten is to pay attention to the question - students often get carried away and forgot what the actual question was asking for - stay focused!
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